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Sino-Nordic Network for Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

In 2012, the Nordic Council of Ministers invited Nordic universities to apply for funding for projects aimed at strengthening co-operation and building up networks in education, research, and innovation between Nordic and Chinese universities and other innovation partners in the Shanghai region. The Nordic Centre is the administrator of the grant and has participated in the selection process. The funding is for at three-year period from 2013 - 2015.

The formal requirements for the projects were: consortium of universities from at least three Nordic countries of which the main applicant had to be a Nordic Centre member university. Co-funding and contribution of the participating universities was another formal requirement. The preferred thematic fields were: climate/energy, green growth, and welfare (the Nordic Model).

The purpose of the networks is to:

  • contribute to the development of new and deeper Sino-Nordic collaboration within higher education, research, and innovation - so-called "knowledge triangle networks"
  • contribute to the development of the Nordic Centre, Fudan, as a hub for Sino-Nordic collaboration
  • increase Nordic visibility in China/Shanghai
  • build knowledge and experience through concrete projects valuable for potential future actions
  • to ensure innovative solutions and originality concerning the organization and planning of the project

See the Nordic Council of Ministers´ list of receivers of the grant here


The following 6 procects received funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers:

1. Sino-Nordic Welfare Research Network (SNoW).
Project manager: Stein Kuhnle, University of Bergen 
Partners: University of Southern Denmark, University of Helsinki, Lillehammer University College, University of Tampere, Lund University, Fudan University, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhejiang University and Sun Yat-sen University.
2. SINO-Nordic network in Ethics of Research and Public Health. 
Project manager: Reidar K. Lie, University of Bergen
Partners: Uppsala University, University of Copenhagen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Iceland, National Institute of Health and Welfare in Finland, Fudan University, Jiao Tong University Shanghai, GlaxoSmithKline (China) Investment Co Ltd, East China Normal University and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
3. Urban Governance for Sustainable Cities Network. 
Project Manager: Oscar Almén and Mattias Burell, Uppsala University
Partners: University of Copenhagen, University of Türku, Lund University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a variety of companies, innovation centers and NGOs.
4. Dynamics and Reliability of Renewable Energy Systems. 
Project Manager: Søren R.K. Nielsen, Aalborg University
Partners: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Lund University, and Tongji University.
5. China in turbulence: paths forward for Nordic business?
Project Manager: Erja Kettunen-Matilainen, Aalto University
Partners: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), University of Gothenburg, NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), Fudan University, and a variety of Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Shanghai.
6. Food4Growth – a Nordic Sino Network for Healthy Diets, Nutrition and Lifestyle. 
Project Manager: Bent Egeberg Mikkelsen, Aalborg University
Partners: Aalborg Hospital, JAMK University of Applied Sciences Finland, University of Tromso, and Fudan University.