Conferences and Seminars
The Nordic Centre is dedicated to establishing itself as a platform where the Chinese and Nordic Universities as well as other educational communities can meet and collaborate with one another. It is our core duty to achieve and facilitate the cooperation between Chinese and Nordic scholars and researchers. The research events held at the Nordic Centre mainly consist of conferences, workshops and seminars.
We have
two meeting rooms and
two classrooms that are usually used for such events. It is encouraged that those who intend to apply for the use of our rescources contact us early on. The rooms are frequently used for various activities and we have to coordinate to avoid conflicting schedules. If the situation requires bigger space, we can also help rent the auditoriums on the main campus and sometimes other campuses of Fudan Unviersity.
To learn more about how conferences/workshops/seminars are organized here, please look into the events listed below.
NC Research Events