The Nordic Centre summer course “Chinese Politics and Society” is an intensive two-week course designed to provide Nordic students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the political landscape of China from the founding of the People´s Republic in 1949 till today. The course will provide students with a solid understanding of modern China, both locally and globally. The course is intended for BA-level students with little or no previous knowledge about China .
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the dynamic and diverse society of contemporary China. The course is an intensive two-week course that will provide students with a deeper understanding of Chinese political thinking and enable the students to place China into the bigger picture of global politics.
The course includes:
• approximately 50 hours of lectures/presentations/ visits
• project reports (app. 5000 words, to be handed in after the course)
• supervision offered by Nordic instructors
• required readings (app. 250 pages, details will be distributed before the beginning of the course)
The course is taught in English by Chinese and Nordic teachers and also features an overnight excursion.
ECTS and Grading
The course is estimated to 5 ECTS, which will be achieved upon active participation in the course programme and getting a passing grade for the course essay.
Costs and Accommodation
The course has a participation fee of RMB 800. Students will cover travel expenses, accommodation, medical insurance and subsistence costs themselves. The Nordic Centre can assist students with accommodation at Tohee International Dormitory: Cost of a room is about RMB 130 per night.
Students need to apply through their home university’s international office. Each Nordic Centre member university can nominate 1-3 students for the course.