(Originally adopted 8 November 1995, amended 19 November 2002, 2 October 2003, 11 May 2007, 18 November 2011 and 23 November 2012)
§ 1 Name. Organisation.
The cooperation functions under the name Nordic Centre at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
§ 2 Aim
The aim of the cooperation is to operate a Nordic Centre together with Fudan University, Shanghai, China and other Chinese universities invited to the cooperation. The Centre shall be a forum for contacts and cooperation between the Nordic member institutions and Fudan University and other Chinese universities invited to participate in the cooperation, within the framework of education, research, culture and business, and shall contribute to an increased knowledge and understanding of the Nordic countries in China, and of China in the Nordic countries.
§ 3 Founding capital
The founding capital is the sum of the initiation fees that have been paid by the member institutions. The one-time initiation fee for a new member is 6 500 €.
§ 4 Financing
The cooperation is financed through the founding capital and by the payment of an annual membership fee (6 500 €) determined by the Council. The associate members pay an annual membership fee of 1 500 €.
§ 5 Membership
Universities awarding doctorate degree(s) may apply six weeks before the Board meeting and the decision about the membership of the applicant will be taken at the annual Council meeting. Applications for membership should include specific information explaining how the applicant will contribute to the development and strengthening of the Nordic Centre as a collaborative organisation.
The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies enjoys the status of an associate member and pays a reduced membership fee. NIAS has an observer status at the Council meetings.
The Secretariat of the Nordic Centre will send invoices for the annual membership fee during the month of January, with payment to be received no later than the end of March that year. Members wishing to discontinue their membership must notify the Secretariat of the Nordic Centre in writing before the end of the calendar year.
§ 6 Judicial means of disposal. Liabilities.
The cooperation has determinative and advisory rights to the disposable capital. Possible liabilities shall be divided equally between the member institutions.
§ 7 Organisation
The co-operation is managed through
1. One Council
2. One Board
§ 8 The Council
The Council is the highest authority for the cooperation and handles all matters of principle and of great importance.
The Council consists of one representative from each member institution.
The Council has the authority to overturn decisions made by the Board.
The council shall hold two annual meetings, a spring meeting in a Nordic country and a fall meeting in Shanghai, and shall otherwise meet if the Chairman of the Board or a majority of the Board members so request. Summons to attend with attached agenda shall be in writing and be sent out a minimum of one month beforehand. Minutes shall be kept at the annual meeting. The Board undertakes to summon the Council for the annual meeting and establish the agenda that shall contain, among other things, the following:
1) Annual Report from the Board
2) Approval of the budget
3) Election of Board members with personal deputy member
4) Decision on the annual membership fee
5) Decision on admittance of new members
6) Decision on changes in the cooperation agreement
7) Other issues put forward by the Board or sent in by member institutions
Recommendations from the Board shall be included in the summons with attached agenda. In order to be considered, proposals from the members must be supplied in writing to the Board no later than two weeks before the date of the annual meeting.
§ 9 Majority requirement
Each member of the Council has one vote. The Council acts on the majority of submitted votes (general majority). For election of persons, the person elected is the person who receives most votes (relative majority). Decisions regarding changes in this cooperation agreement require a majority of 2/3.
§ 10 Authority and duties of the Board
The Board manages and is responsible for the general administration of the cooperation as well as for the representation of the cooperation. The cooperation is obligated externally by the Board through the signature of the Chairman of the Board or by two Board members. The Board will ensure sound accounts. The accounts and the Board’s report will be presented to the Council at the annual meeting. The Board will manage and ensure that the cooperation is operated in accordance with its aim and regulations.
§ 11 The constitution of the Board, board meetings, majority issues, etc.
The Board shall have eight members. These members are selected by the Council for three years at a time. The Chairman of the Board is elected by the Council for three years at a time. One of the members of the Board shall be elected by Fudan University, and one of the members shall be the former Chairman.
The Board makes decisions at the meetings. Board meetings are held in accordance with a plan decided by the Board, with additional meetings when the Chairman of the Board finds it necessary. A majority vote constitutes a Board decision. In case of an equal number of votes, the vote given by the head of the meeting is decisive. The Board will keep minutes of the decisions made by the Board.