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PhD Course on Gender Studies Brings Together Young Researchers from Nordic and Chinese Universities

Already for many years, gender studies have been on the academic agenda of the Nordic Centre. Among the member institutions, there is an active gender research community that has been organising conferences, workshops and courses.

Between October 24 and 26, 2012,  scholars from the NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), University of Aalborg and the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim organised a PhD course Doing Gender Studies in Global Contexts at the Nordic Centre. 16 PhD students from universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden attended, together with teachers from Aarhus, Fudan and Shanghai University.

During the three days at the Nordic Centre, there were lectures on topics highly relevant to the young researchers, including how to find a research question or a relevant theory. On top of the lectures, there were seminars on the research work of the participating PhD students, as well as a poster exhibition on gender research in both China and the Nordic countries.

It has become a custom that the Sino‐Nordic gender research events are held every other year in China and every other in a Nordic country. The Nordic Centre thus wishes to welcome the participants of the 2012 course back to Fudan in 2014!


enlightenedYou can download the course announement here

enlightenedYou can download the readling list and lecture abstracts here